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Chaplin 1939

MONDAY JULY 22nd, 9:00 pm (Fondettes)

The genius of laughter in the face of absolute evil.
Cliff Paillé's new show, Chaplin 1939, lets you discover the committed, sensitive artist behind the Chaplin. Between his political convictions, his failing marriage and his Hollywood fame, Chaplin set about writing the film The Great Dictator, in which he took on Adolf Hitler, with whom he shared much more than a moustache...In a sober and elegant black and white production, actors Romain Arnaud-Kneisky, Alice Serfati and Alexandre Cattez paint a moving portrait of the man who left his mark on the world of cinema. 1939: a year that changed his life! "I'm going to kill Hitler! Chaplin found him ridiculous and dangerous, and guessed he was crazy. And what's more, this badly-coiffed cretin dared to steal his moustache. The screenplay is a work in progress, with many ideas. Between emotion, tension and humor, this bubbling period of creation will plunge the artist into an intimate storm, as violent as it is unexpected. Faced with a Charlie Chaplin look-alike, his wife and his brother Sidney, talking pictures and the arrival of color, his past, his present, his pain and his strength, Charlie falters.

Comedy for all audiences by Cliff Paille
Directed by
Cliff Paille and Sophie Poulain
Company : He !Psst !
Actors: Romain Arnaud-Kneisky, Alexandre Cattez, Alice Serfati.
Running time: 1h15

Practical informations

Meeting point : le Môrier - 37230 Fondettes

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    Simply put

    • French
    • Duration: 1h15
      Duration: 1h15


