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Le Prénom

THURSDAY, JULY 4 at 9:00 pm (Luynes)

A child is the beginning of happiness, a name is the beginning of trouble!
Vincent is about to become a father for the first time. Invited to dinner at the home of Elisabeth and Pierre, his sister and brother-in-law, he meets up with Claude, a childhood friend. While waiting for Anna, his eternally late wife, to arrive, he is pressed with questions about his impending fatherhood, all in good humor. But when Vincent is asked if he has already chosen a name for his unborn child, his answer plunges the family into chaos.

Comedy for all audiences by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patelière
: Collective
Company: Les Arthurs
Actors : Stéphanie Aten, Pascal Boursier, Philippe Rolland, Pierrette Dias Valerio, Manuel Gilbert.
Running time: 1h40 

Practical informations

Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded.
Meeting Point : La Filonnière 37230 LUYNES

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    Simply put

    • French
    • Duration: 1:45
      Duration: 1:45


