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Le prix de l'Ascension

THURSDAY JULY 18TH 9:00 PM (Luynes)

A comedy of power!
The son of a high-ranking civil servant, Laurent is arrogant, lives in the lap of luxury and thinks a metro ticket costs 8 euros! He's about to discover that there's a France beyond the periphery, where the cameras don't go. Brice, a brilliant student from a modest family, arrives with his convictions and oversized suits. Between reformist spirit and pragmatism, he'll have to make his mark to survive in the face of adversity. From assistant to advisor, from candidate to decision-maker, each of them aspires to become the one who counts. Ultra-realistic, funny and biting, discover the most surprising power comedy of recent years.

Comedy for all audiences by Antoine Demor and Victor Rossi
Directed by
Julien Poncet
Company: Prométhée productions
Actors: Antoine Demor and Victor Rossi.
Running time: 1h25

Practical informations

Meeting Point : La Caranderie 37230 LUYNES

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    Simply put

    • French
    • Duration: 1:30
      Duration: 1:30


